Due to the fact that the interface of the proxy service is clearly defined through the WSDL, the OSB console is capable of showing us a sample test message in the Payload field.

If we have a proxy service without a WSDL, then testing that service will still be possible through that window, but there will no longer be a sample message shown, as the OSB console does not know about the structure.

Navigate to the OSB console and login as the Administrator (that is, weblogic).

In the OSB console, perform the following steps:

1. Click on the menu item Project Explorer on the left-hand side of the OSB console.

2. In the project tree, click on basic-osb-service and in the details section on the right, the project folder tree will be shown.

3. Click on the proxy link.

4. The proxy service Customer Service should be displayed in the details section (might have to scroll down to see it):

5. Click on the bug symbol in the Actions section (highlighted in red in the preceding screenshot) to open the test window for the Customer Service proxy service.

6. In the Proxy Service Testing window, make sure you select the right operation in the Available Operations drop-down list. We want to test the RetrieveCustomerByCriteria operation.

7. Change the Payload field as shown in the following screenshot:

8. Click on the Execute button to run the test. The test results are returned after a while in the same window:

9. Check that the right customer (with ID = 1) information is being returned by the OSB service.

10. Scroll down in the window to see the Invocation Trace section. This will show steps that the OSB proxy service has executed and values of the variables during execution:

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