The Event Delivery Network (EDN) in Oracle SOA Suite 11g provides a declarative way to use a publish/subscribe model to generate and consume business events without worrying about the underlying message infrastructure.

Developers only need to produce or consume events without having to deal with any particular messaging API like JMS, AQ, and MQ, and so on.

EDN uses an XML-based Event Definition Language(EDL), which allows you to define the event and its associated, strongly typed data. This definition is then registered with the SOA Infrastructure and is available to all composites to publish or subscribe.

This allows for a fully-declarative, business-oriented, rather than developer-oriented approach for using events in a SOA application.

Another feature of EDN is the ability to publish and subscribe to these events from a variety of programming environments such as Java, PL/SQL, SOA Composites, and ADF-BC applications.

Creating and managing event definitions

Events are defined using an Event Definition Language (EDL), an XML schema used to build business event definitions. 

An EDL consists of the following:

  • A global name.
  • Custom headers: These can be used for content-based routing without having to parse the XML payload and apply XPath queries to get at the value to be used for the routing decisions.
  • Payload definition: Typically this is an XML schema for the business data that needs to accompany the event.
If you want to raise events on one or more database operations such as insertion of a new row or update of an existing one, you can use ADF-BC to define these events.

Registered events, their subscribers, and any faulted deliveries can all be tracked and monitored using the Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Consuming events from the Event Delivery Network

The first step to consume an event is to discover its definition. Event definitions can be stored locally in a composite or globally on the server—in either case, they can be discovered through the JDeveloper resource catalogue.

To subscribe to an event within an SOA composite application, you start by defining a Mediator component, selecting the event of interest from a list of registered events in the network.

To further refine a subscription, and narrow down the information you will receive, you can define an XPath-based filter on your subscriptions.

For example, for an event named "NewPOCreated", you could either subscribe to all "NewPOCreated" events (default when no filter is defined) or only those where the order amount is more than a million dollars (by defining an XPath-based filter on the order amount field within the payload).

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